A Glorious Church
By Marlene H Roessiger

"God gave me a dream and in my dream I saw this man totally covered with
gold. It was not only gold dust. It was thick, pure gold. It was not only on his face,
but around his arms, hair, his whole body was covered with gold. Then the Lord
told me this: “Gold has been a sign of my glory. I have shown my glory through
those signs and wonders. But the time is coming and now it is when I will display
my glory from the inside out of my Church. My church, my bride, will shine my
glory as never before. I will present her to myself as a glorious church, not
having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.
She should be holy and without
blemish. “People, be sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by His
. "His glorious church is coming out of the wilderness" Ephesians 5:27
A Prophecy to the Prophets: PDF Version
Nine Months: PDF Version
Changing the measure tape: PDF Version
Looking for someone to serve: PDF Version
His bride is beautiful to behold: PDF Version
Give me your armor bearer's feet: PDF Version
A God who has delight in me?
MP3 Version       PDF Version  

Altogether like Christ?
MP3 Version     PDF Version  

From Most Gracious Heavenly Father
to "Abba, Daddy",a message or prayer
MP3 Version     PDF Version

Remmant: Are you one of them?
MP3 Version     PDF Version

Are you sinner or saint?
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Breaking the altar of Mammon
MP3 Version     PDF Version

Get Back to the Womb
MP3 Version

What kind of soil are You?
MP3 Version     

Who do they say that YOU are?
MP3 Version    
Not cold. Not lukewarm.
But H.O.T. for HIM.
Rev 3:15-18
In Him
Healing Touch Ministry
Going into All the Earth.
Mark 16:15-20