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A Glorious Church
By Marlene H Roessiger
"God gave me a dream and in my dream I saw this man totally
covered with gold. It was not only gold dust. It was thick, pure
gold. It was not only on his face, but around his arms, hair, his
whole body was covered with gold. Then the Lord told me this:
“Gold has been a sign of my glory. I have shown my glory
through those signs and wonders. But the time is coming and
now it is when I will display my glory from the inside out of my
Church. My church, my bride, will shine my glory as never before.
I will present her to myself as a glorious church, not having spot,
or wrinkle, or any such thing. She should be holy and without
blemish. “People, be sanctified and cleansed with the washing of
water by His Word.
"His glorious church is coming out of the wilderness"
Ephesians 5:27
H.O.T. Voice By Marlene H Roessiger
Shane W Roessiger
Marlene H Roessiger
Steve &Elaine Powers